Monday, January 3, 2011

RRR Venice x RDPY Kerrigan

RRR Venice x RDPY Kerrigan
Black Split Masked/patched DU x Black Capped Dalmatian w/headspot
Paired on December 15th

Expecting dalmatian/patched with a lot of facial markings and possibly some downunders. There's a slim chance for BEW as well. This is partly a test breeding to see if Venice's spotted DU belly will help 'randomize' some spotting and improve the dalmatians. We may see some recessive blazing. We'll have 100% dumbo with standard coats.

These two were paired the 15th of December, but I don't think she is pregnant yet. Her earliest due date would be January 7th and she's not showing any weight gain. I had to seperate them for a few days when Venice managed to get her foot sprained so the due date is extended.

She got her foot caught in the additional level I added to their honeymoon cage. The length of her foot was blue and tender, so I gave her a break. She is the only one to ever get her foot stuck, but I removed the level anyway to avoid injury. I'd heard screeching a couple times before, so I think she'd done it more than once. Just this time she was good and stuck and needed help. Poor Kerrigan was beside himself with worry and pouted at me for a couple days.


Rodere Rattery and Rescue said...

I am fairly certain Venice is pregnant. I am excited with this litter. I'll be removing Kerrigan tomorrow after another look.

Rodere Rattery and Rescue said...

Venice gave birth to seven healthy babies on January 16th. Everyone is doing fine. We have no congenital eyes defects in this litter, which should mean Stardust's litter suffered a nutritional deficiency in utero.

The first gender count is 2 girls and 5 boys. Unusual to have more boys in a litter, but it evens out the odd number Stardust had.

We will be accepting reservations for this litter.

Rodere Rattery and Rescue said...

Everyone is doing well. They took a little longer than expected to open their eyes, but they did so a few days ago. We have several downunders in this litter.

Mismarked masked downunder
Masked blazed

-Mismarked BEW downunder
Masked w/belly spot
-Masked w/blaze downunder
-Masked mismarked dalmatian downunder
Masked mismarked dal w/belly spot