We have a few available rats here at RRR.
Everyone must fill out an adoption application prior to any final decisions. The adoption application is essentially a screening process to help us place our rats in the best possible homes.
You may occassionally find retired breeders listed as available. This decision is made soley on the rats fit in a breeding household and their bond to rats who are adoptable. If we feel a rat would do better in a pet only home, or have a rescue in need of a companion of similar age that that particular rat is bonded to, we may make the decision to let a retired breeder go. This decision is made for the benefit of the rats, not due to space factors or our convenience. We love our rats and wish for them to be somewhere they are happy, even if that is not with us. Some rats just thrive in a breeders household.
Available females:
Taj- Pearl merle berkshire smoothcoat dumbo.
-- Taj was a compulse buy of my mothers. She was part of an accidental litter that was consequently sent to a petstore by a local college student. I do not know her genetic background, but her health has been spotless throughout her time with us.
Taj was a bully at first and is still very willful, but she now resides happily with our resident girls. We would consider letting a retired breeder go with her so that she may have a companion similar in age. She may beat up or harrass younger females, though she has mellowed a lot in her adulthood.
RRR Igraine - Black capped/patched DU smoothcoat dumbo
-- Igraine was born to JM Nimue and RRR Navarre in March. She closely resembles her mother in looks and temperment.
Igraine is a good girl and loves her attention. She's particularly fond of playing in a blanket and rooting around. I tend to hide treats under them for the girls to find.
She has a younger cousin (RRR Nymph- 6wks younger) who is also available and could be placed with her or a home with other female rats.
RRR Nymph- Russian blue Variberk Double rex dumbo
--Nymph was born to RRR Sorcha and RRR Melod in May. She tends to be more hairless than otherwise.
Nymph is a bit more shy than her sisters were and tends to spook more easily at loud sounds. We think she'd open up better in a quieter household with less hussle and bustle. She gets along very well with her cousin Igraine and they are often found sleeping in their food dish (oddballs lol). They could be adopted as a pair.
We may have a couple boys available soon. We're wrestling a decision currently.
We recommend emailing the text only adoption application to maidenbloodx@hotmail.com with the title 'Adoption application- (your name)' We may not be receiving all electronic forms due to webhost difficulties.