Monday, November 26, 2007

They're Here!

After about 10-11 hours driving, we finally have our RaffinHouse ratties! We are absolutely thrilled and estatic to have these wonderful guys with us. We want to thank Tony at RaffinHouse Rattery for getting this all worked out. After over a year of disappointment, we have finally been able to adopt beautiful pedigreed ratties that should make a wonderful start to our rattery.

We adopted three females and one male. We have a pearl self teddy rex dumbo female, a black self teddy rex dumbo female, and a platinum berkshire standard ear (carrying dumbo). They are potential breeders. Unfortunately, the third female, a Burmese, comes with a non-breeding contract that we will honor. But her personality is so great, we don't regret in the least signing the contract. She is well worth it.

I also want to thank Silver Fuzz Rattery for agreeing to let us adopt one of their rats from RaffinHouse. SFR MacKenzie of RH has now come to live with us. MacKenzie is a beautiful Black Teddy rex self dumbo. She was named after a river in the Amazon. The pearl will be named Fleur and the burmese will be named Tonks for my fiancee's love of the Harry Potter series. We have also named the Platinum boy Jericho, meaning Shard of the Moon (for his color).

Once they are out of quarantine, we are likely to pair SFR MacKenzie of RRR with Dobbie of RRR.

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