Sunday, December 20, 2009

Its almost Christmas!

First off, our breeding trio is getting along fine. So far we've not witnessed any mating, but they run straight for the cage bars when you come within hearing distance lol Evie is pudgy.. but isn't she always? We hold out hope though!

I ususal buy them sporadic gifts for Christmas, but instead I got them one big present this year! Well, two really. A three level hand made bird playground equipped with 2 swings, 1 ladder, a climbing arch, and 2 dangly toys. And I got a used Fuji Film 8.2 MegaPixel camera. I have to buy the accessories for it new pics may not get here just yet. Soon as I find a charger lol

I am considering future plans at RRR and perhaps introducing new colors or coat types. I have always found Russian Cinnamon gorgeous and a Russian Cinnamon satin-rex is out of this world beautiful! (Refer to Dazzle Me Rattery).

At this time we don't have the basis to add a new coat type, but in a couple of generations (once I've weeded out some of the RED) I could adopt a Russian Cinnamon for the lines.

It may take some time as I must focus on the Down Under markings we have come across. I don't want to loose the trait. Once I am confident the downunder line is on the right track, we will be on the lookout for adoptees.

We want to wish all of our adopters and the 'children' of RRR a very Merry Christmas! We hope it's filled with lots of rattie toys and snuggles. Christmas photos are welcome and will be happily displayed on the website!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Upcoming litters

After some consideration, we've decided to significantly change our breeding plans.

DJ hasn't shown any interest, even with a cage switch.In light of that and additions to our waiting list, we decided to pair Evolet with Navarre and also to pair him with Isabeau.

We will give Evolet a few days to relax and then introduce her to the other breeding pair.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Back to the Blog

Since I find it difficult to update the website in a timely manner, I've decided to start using our blog again. I had a phone I could update the website from, however it kept malfunctioning with other tasks and I switched to a Blackberry Curve. Sadly, it won't load the html editor, despite several attempts.

Not much to report with DJ and Evolet. They were doing some flirting, but no matings have been witnessed. I moved them to a bigger cage so hopefully they'll be a little more active. They were mostly cuddling before lol If we don't see any developments in the next couple of days we'll try Melod. He's a wiley fellow, in a playful way. He and Evolet would be a good match.

For the first time, all of our boys are in one cage! I am amazed, but it may be short lived. We'll see how things go when DJ is seperated and back with his buddies. He's ususally the instigator.

On another note, we have an exciting adoption in progress. Two rescues and the last remaining bub from our last litter have found a home! Maverick, surrendered with a heavily pregnant female (RIP), because their owner could no longer keep them. Taj, a perle merle my mother found at a local petstore, surrendered to them as the result of an accidental litter. And RRR Captain Morgan, the RED Platinum from our last litter.
Further info and updates will be here or posted on the website. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wiping away the dust

It's suprising, but it really has been more than a year since we updated our blog! Yikes. We took a 6-7month hiatus last year and a lot of people thought we'd disappeared entirely. But no, we're still here.

Since this blog has been updated, we're retired some, lost some, and expanded our family. We had two litters since January that weren't reported here. Mostly, we've just been putting updated on our website. Between lack of time and convenience, we may retire the blog and just limit updates to the website itself.

We've come across downunders in our lines and are looking forward to continuing the trait. I like the marking type and their personalities are all great thanks to their ancestors. Further updates can be seen on the website, as well as picture links.