Wednesday, October 31, 2007

One step closer

We may be one step closer to finally getting our basis for a breeding program. After much searching and disappointment, we are in negotiations with Raffin House Rattery (RH). We will hopefully be adopting two or three females. One is burmese, but will come with a non-breeding contract. The other two we are looking at are Pearl and Russian Blue Agouti. We are also trying to adopt an American Blue male from PVR at about the same time, if we can get into better contact with his breeder. Best case scenario is that we've be picking them up on the same trip.

This is also my first blog posting. I decided to create a blog so that visitors to my site can see what is going on and hear my musing and thoughts about occurances at RRR. I am very long winded and like to write, so be prepared to read lol

I am currently raising an orphaned wild ritten who just opened his eyes last night. He and 5 siblings were found inside someone's garage and the woman called me Friday afternoon. The mother had been killed by their cat. I could either take them, or her boyfriend was going to flush them down the toilet. As you can imagine, I readily agreed. They were very cold and dehydrated and we lost two on Sunday, a few hours apart. They just never ate well. Then on Tuesday, while I was at work, my brother came to visit and turned off the heater that was keeping the 4 surviving rittens warm. For no other reason than he thought our bathroom was too warm.

They were without heat for about 3.5 hours. They were like little ice cubes when my mother found them, just before I got off work at 8pm. Sadly, two died within an hour and another sometime during that night. So that leaves us with the one little boy left. He somehow managed to survive the cold and is eating like a little hog.

But if he survives, we will still have the problem of finding a place for him. He will not survive the winter cold if released when he is matured enough. I am searching for a wildlife rehab that will take him off of our hands, but resources in that department are coming up empty or unwilling.